, ( , -), "" -? Palm , "": , . -, , / . -, , "".
, . , Palm. - / , ( ). .
I. Palm
, "" , Palm, . , " ". , - , / (ICQ). - .
, Palm, : " Palm ( m100 m105) - Mail". . . , "" ( Outlook). . .
Palm 3.1, ( -) www.palm.com/custsupp/downloads/irenhanc.html, SerIrCommLib.prc, IrLib.prc SerIrPnl.prc. Serial/IR.
Palm (Prefs) "" (Connection) (Network):
- (Prefs) (Connections).
- (Available Connections). (New), (Name) , , My_Inet.
- Connection Method IrCOMM to Modem. Palm m500/m505 , ".: , : Infrared"
- (Dialing) (TouchTone).
- (Volume) .
, (Details). . (Speed) 57,600 bps (56,7 /) 115,200 bps (115,2 /), (Flow Ctrl) - . (Init. String) , ATZ.
(Details) "My Inet".
- (Prefs) - (Network).
- (User Name) (Password) , ( /: guest/guest), (Connection) - My_Inet.
- (Phone) , ( , 0885), .. . OK, .
 |  |
(Network) | (Details) |
(Details). " " . , Palm . - . (Script) . , , . .
, (Network), (Connect). , Palm' 25-30 .
II. Palm
, - (Connect) (Network). , , , . , Palm "" Internet. , , .
Palmscape Version PR 5.0a5
, *.PRC, Palmscape Palm Palm Desktop - Install. Palm.
"Palm Internet" ( , (), - () : "Palm Internet"). , "" () (), Palmscape, , Palm Internet.
! Palm :
. .
( ): Open ( URL), Reload (), Info ( ), Unlock (), Back (), Forward (), Stop (). " URL". . ( ) : http://www.rrc.ru. Open ().
: "The requested URL does not exist in cache. Do you want to connect the network and retrieve it?". , . ? . Connect!.
Palm . , , Palm " ", " " .. Palmscape . :. !
, Palmscape - ( ). "" ( ). , "" Internet. , , .
MultiMail Professional Version 2.26
(.). : MMWizard.prc MultiMailPRO2.prc, - .. "", ; - . . "" Palm Internet, :
- . , .
. . , "Options", - "Mail Server". , , . Mail.Ru. . : m505, : m505. - m505@mail.ru.
. :
- Title ( ): mail.ru
- Server: pop.mail.ru
- Type: POP3
- Username: m505
- Password: m505
SMTP:- Server: smtp.mail.ru
- Email: m505@mail.ru
- Name: m505
- Port Number: .
. . Sig ( ). : Best regards, Alexey. Attach Signature, " ".
. , . : Palm - PC Palm ( m505@mail.ru palm@rrc.ru), : PC - Palm - PC ( palm@rrc.ru m505@mail.ru).
New. , :
Send Later ( ). Send, Palm . Outbox ().
( PC)..
.. .
, , Mail.Ru, , . Send/Receive (/). . . Headers+Bodies Headers only (.. "" ). Headers+Bodies , Receive.
Palm ( ) Internet. .
. .
!!! Palm . :
Palm- ? .
. Palm., , .
ICQ Version 2.0 Beta
ICQ, , : , : Internet-, (~600 ) "". , - ( Internet), . Palm. "Palm Internet". .
, . Setup. .
, ICQ ( , ). : 124561862 Palm_ICQ. Add . " ".
- Connect.
Don't show this message again ( ), I Agree () .
Find/Add Users, ICQ, , , , - , , , ..
, Palm ( ) Internet. , ( ) , -.
P.S. :- Palm m505;
- Siemens S25 (, - );